Wholesale Shipping
Flat - rate shipping charge of £20.
UK Customers
Please allow up to 2 - 5 working days to receive your order.
EU Customers
Please allow up to 3 - 5 working days to receive your order.
USA and rest of the world
Please allow up to 5 - 10 working days to receive your order.
If you are having any difficulties with delivery at checkout, please email customer.service@rarelondon.com
Wholesale VAT and Duty
UK Customers
If you are based in the UK, VAT will be added as an additional charge on to your total basket price at checkout.
EU Customers
If you are a customer from the EU, please ensure you provide a valid VAT number upon registration in order to be exempt from paying VAT. If you are not able to provide a valid VAT number, VAT will be added to your order at checkout.
USA and rest of the world
Orders outside the EU may be subject to custom fees, taxes and import fees. You will not be charged VAT and do not need to provide any VAT details. These charges are beyond our control and we cannot predict them.
Import duties vary depending upon the country you are purchasing in. If you refuse to pay your duty, tax or import fees which results in the order being returned back to us, you will be charged the return shipping costs to us by the courier and a restocking fee will be the equivalent to 10% of your order total.